The Animation Show of Shows (ASOS) is an annual event in which the world’s best animated short films are curated and presented in one feature-length film, to audiences worldwide. The ASOS brings animated short films to homes via streaming and DVD, and to the BIG screen in theaters around the world. It has been its mission and privilege to shine a spotlight on the brilliance of independent animators, support and preserve an important art form, while providing a moving cinematic experience for audiences.
This is our 20th anniversary!
We are amazed, excited, grateful, and filled with pride. We feel our 20th anniversary is a historic milestone, and accordingly, we are celebrating.
We will be celebrating this special anniversary ... by curating TWO shows, The 20th Annual Animation Show of Shows, and a first-ever "BEST OF" Animation Show of Shows. We further the celebration by featuring a very special array of new and creative Rewards..
Thanks so much for visiting, we hope you join our celebration, and thanks in advance for your support!
Prior to 2015, Ron Diamond's Acme Filmworks, Inc. had been underwriting about two-thirds of the costs for the identifying, curating, preparing, scheduling and presenting the Annual Animation Show of Shows. Historically honorariums from schools and generous support from the major animation studios: Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Google ATAP, Illumination Entertainment, Paramount Pictures Animation, DreamWorks Animation, 20th Century Fox Animation, Blue Sky Studios, Laika, Sony Pictures Animation, Walt Disney Television, and Walt Disney Toon Studios supported a portion of the operating expense.